Friday 12 February 2010

Exciting Stuff

It snowed again... and there was loads of it! It made a nice change, usually every other part of England gets Alaska dropped on it and Thanet gets hardly anything; this time we took the brunt of it, several centimetres in fact, and no one else got any!

But what's more exciting is this:

Brad Paisley will be doing a show in London! I so want to go to that, he's brilliant and hilarious!

Peace and Love

Monday 8 February 2010

Super Bowl XXIV!

I enjoyed the Super Bowl so much this last night! It was the 6th consecutive Super Bowl I've seen, and I rate that as the best of the 6!

New Orleans Saints thoroughly deserved that win. From 10-0 down, it was beginning to look like they would live to regret their decision to receive the first kick off, even more so at 10-3 when they failed that 4th down on the 2 yard line. But that onside kick to start the 3rd quarter...

It was genius. Absolutely genius. That completely turned the game around, and from then on their offense was unstoppable.

Of course I must mention the quarterbacks. Drew Brees played exceptionally well and deserved to be the MVP. Peyton Manning on the other hand, so many people hail him as one of the greatest quarterbacks of all time... well he threw the winning touchdown pass, but he threw it to a Saints cornerback Tracy Porter instead of his own receiver Reggie Wayne... Oh well, even the great ones have off days...

I'm happy with the result. I personally don't like Manning. Admittedly he does his job well, but I think that he is over-hyped. No offense Colts fans.

Peace and Love