Saturday 11 July 2009

I Hate Babysitting!

Grr. I hate family...

I basically spent all of yesterday babysitting. I wasn't asked if I would do it, I was told that I had to because the 'rents had to take one of the dogs to the vets. I was given 10 minutes notice, and I couldn't exactly run out at that time as I was making breakfast.

They of course took all flipping morning in the vets. She's not even ill, it was to give her a microchip. How bloody ridiculous! I mean, the only times she leaves the house is when she's being taken for a walk, and on those occasions there's someone holding the other end of the lead, so it's not like she can get lost. Me on the other, I go out alone, sometimes late at night when it's dark, and I don't have a microchip. Surely I'm more likely to get lost then she is! But no, it was she who had to go to the vets and get a microchip, which meant I had to waste my morning babysitting. And yes, I did have plans... to get my hair cut...

So I had to wait until the afternoon to get my hair cut, and when I got back, the 'rents buggered off out again, which meant I was babysitting again, for more or less the whole afternoon. What a shit day.

So then after yesterday, today came along, and guess what I had to do all afternoon again? Oh yeah, babysitting. This time it was because dad was "busy" and mum absolutely had to go out and buy a birthday card for my nephew who will turn 2 on Monday. That's right, 2. He can't read, and he has no idea what a birthday card actually is, but buying him one was an absolute must. And yes, that took all afternoon.

The only highlight of the afternoon was watching Ana Ivanovic's golf-playing boyfriend make a complete hash of a couple of holes at the Scottish open. Haha, sucker...

Peace and Love

P.S. - Happy birthday Caroline Wozniacki!

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