Saturday 19 December 2009


They were predicting 15-20cm of snow for my neck of the woods, but in reality it was no more than 3-4. But still, it was awesome.

I took a hike along the cliff tops in Cliftonville. The horizon northwards was jet black with a white mist in front of it, so I was hopeful that a blizzard was coming, but it hasn't, much to my disappointment.

But still, snowman hunting was fun. There was an excellent snowman on the grass out side what used to be the Endcliffe Hotel - it had eyes, nose, buttons and even a hat. But the rest of the snowmen along the front were pathetic, deformed, some of them headless, all of them featureless, and most of them mud-stained where the amateurish builders had rolled them up on the grass. But that's not the best way to do it. Scoop and mould, that's the way to go. Scoop and mould.

Anyways, if it snows again like this in the week, I will scoop and mould and photograph the results.

Peace and Love

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