Thursday 28 January 2010


Firstly, all the nonsense with the Student Loan seems to have been cleared up. I actually got 2 letters from them this week, from the relevant departments, apologising for their mistakes and clearing up all the grey areas. So hopefully, all is good on that front.

Secondly, that interview... The interviewer said he'd call me in three to four days. It's been seven. That doesn't look so good. What's more disappointing however is that means my hot streak of 4 successful interviews in a row has come to an end. I'm now 4 from 7 overall.

Thirdly, training for the Marathon is getting better. I had a cracking session this morning, completing 2 miles (only 1.5 jogging) in under twenty minutes. I'm very pleased with that. I felt relaxed and comfortable while I was running, which made me feel even better.

So I have some positives and some negatives to build upon over the next few weeks.

Peace and Love

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