Friday 26 March 2010

New York

I'm dreaming that dream again...

I've even made a big step towards it. I've forked out something in the region of £100 to get the help of a company called Green Card Base who send out my resume to companies who aren't just hiring, but looking to hire international workers and pay for their green card! I know, it's a gamble, but if it works it will totally be worth it, because then I'll be able to live and work in New York permanently!

And that is the dream!

Peace and Love

Sunday 21 March 2010

Hastings Half Marathon

I did it! I ran a half marathon! Here's proof:

Considering I only trained for two and half months, and struggled to get over four miles in training, to finish in 2.28.44 is a major achievement for me, especially as I was targetting a time of 2.30.00!

I am really pleased with myself! And I won a medal, the first medal I've ever won!

Peace and Love

Wednesday 17 March 2010

Long time, no type...

So I've been to a few recruitment agencies recently. The first was very un-enthused by my CV, but the second one, Recruitment COlutions in Tunbridge Wells, they think they can get me something. That's got to be good news - a job and it would be out of Margate! It's the stuff dreams are made of!

Anyways, running - it's getting tough now. I'm running far more regularly and for longer amounts of time. As a rookie who is only a couple of months into training, it's starting to become a bit of a struggle. The knees ache and the calves are tight, but I'm pushing on.

I've bought a running shirt and a pair of adidas sunglasses. They cost a bomb, of course, because I need prescription lenses with them, but it means that I can see whilst running in the sun, which is something I couldn't do before.

Time is flying by, Sunday is the Hastings half marathon! I'm not really in good enough shape to run it, but I'm going to give it my best shot. I can only do my best, so that is what I will do. Wish me luck!

Peace and Love