Wednesday 25 March 2009


So this is me... I gave up my whole life to go to a uni 300 miles from home, only to get so frustrated with a course that was unproductive and teaching me nothing that I quit 5 months into it, and then gave up my whole life again to go 300 miles back home to a life I didn't like in the first place. Life's a bitch, huh?

Truth is I was doing 2 courses when I started - I quit the first one in November, and then packed in the other in February. Maybe uni wasn't for me at all... On the other hand, uni was awesome! Living in Halls was great and the social side of it was so much fun, it was easily the best 5 months of my life...

But not everything works out for the best. I've come home, and home is a mess. I've got a 24 year old sister who had a miscarriage yesterday (that's a good thing; she's already got 2 illegitimate children from 2 different guys) and she has a month to pay her council tax or face 3 months in prison, and a week to move out of her current flat before she gets chucked out for not paying any of her bills; I've got 3 ailing grandparents who need looking after (1 lives with us, and I'm the other's part-time gardener!); my dad loses his job at the end of this week; my mum's to ill to work, so babysits the oldest sister's constantly flowing stream of illegitmate kids with the help of my younger, very immature sister; and the other sister (the younger of my 2 older sisters) has a possible tumour in her knee and a boyfriend with similar hair, similar glasses and a similar name to me (that's not really a problem, it's just really weird and freaky). We also have 3 dogs, a poodle, a chiahuahua who has heart problems, and a whippet puppy who eats everything in sight when she's left alone... Good times? I think not...

So what of me? I don't know... I've applied to my local uni to do Film, Radio and Television Studies (possibly with History (it's complicated)) and I'm waiting for a reply from them, whilst looking for jobs in an area that has no jobs and a massive percentage of unemployed people. I have no money, a student debt, and I work voluntarily for my local football club. On some levels I deeply regret quitting uni, but I know it was probably the best thing to do, as it was so expensive and the course was a complete waste of time. What does the future hold? Who knows? But I do know that this blog will regularly be a part of it. Keep your eyes peeled for it, and tell your friends to also...

Peace and Love

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