Thursday 28 May 2009


Damn... I went to uni in September to study screenwriting, but I quit that in February. I chose that course because I wanted to be a screenwriter... I've spent years writing sitcom scripts, I've got a folder that is bursting with them! But all of a sudden I'm feeling differently.

I can't find it within me to write another scene or plan out another script. I can't even look at that folder, and I loved it and it's contents so much...

Uni has left such a bitter taste in my mouth that I cringe at the thought of writing scripts for a living...

I hope this is just temporary and that this feeling will subside soon. If it doesn't, then the last 4 years of my life have been wasted, and all those hours of planning, plotting and scripting were for nothing.

In case your wondering, the only other thing I've ever wanted to be is a pro tennis player. But as I haven't played since school, that's not likely to happen...

Peace and Love

Friday 15 May 2009

TV Drama

My grandparent's TV broke, so me and my grandad took it back to the store to get a replacement. We waited ages...

Then my man Joel pops up! He works there, I knew that, but I hadn't seen him ages. It was cool to catch up with him, possibly for the last time. He's moving to Romford next month... Shame...

Anyways, we finally got a TV and we tried to set it up, but guess what? That one doesn't work either...

The moral of the story is this: Don't buy cheap brand TV's from supermarkets...

Peace and Love

Thursday 14 May 2009

Time Travel

What would you do if you could travel through time? Where would you go? Myself, I would love to go to ancient China and add a brick during the construction of the Great Wall. Then I can come back to the present day and say "I helped build that..." I would love to be that guy... I would also go back to Jerusalem and see if Jesus ever existed (I'm guessing he didn't, but I would like to know for sure) and then go to the future and see what job I have. That way, I won't have to waste my time applying for jobs that I won't get...

But I don't believe time travel is possible... Well, I didn't... But today I discovered this:


(((Click on the thumbnail and then on the image in the middle of the new window for a better view)))

It clearly states that some of those files were last accessed on March 9th 2073. That means at some point in the last few months I have time travelled... and forgotten all about it. I am gutted, I would love to be able remember what life was like when I visited 2073, but for the life of me I can't. Maybe it's not possible to remember things that aren't going to happen for another 64 years... Oh well, hopefully me and my time travelling Toshiba Satellite will go on another adventure soon, and hopefully it will be one that I will remember!

Peace and Love

Monday 4 May 2009

Dreams Can Come True

I can finally tick one of my dreams off my list... I played football for my favourite team, wearing their kit, on their pitch... Awesome!

I was terrible though. The gaffer put me in central defense, even though I asked him not to (we were short of players) and I was hopeless to be quite honest. But still, it was a good laugh, even though we lost, and it was only a friendly fundraising game...

But most importantly, I have finally made one of my dreams come true. That's one down, countless others to go!

Peace and Love