Thursday 28 May 2009


Damn... I went to uni in September to study screenwriting, but I quit that in February. I chose that course because I wanted to be a screenwriter... I've spent years writing sitcom scripts, I've got a folder that is bursting with them! But all of a sudden I'm feeling differently.

I can't find it within me to write another scene or plan out another script. I can't even look at that folder, and I loved it and it's contents so much...

Uni has left such a bitter taste in my mouth that I cringe at the thought of writing scripts for a living...

I hope this is just temporary and that this feeling will subside soon. If it doesn't, then the last 4 years of my life have been wasted, and all those hours of planning, plotting and scripting were for nothing.

In case your wondering, the only other thing I've ever wanted to be is a pro tennis player. But as I haven't played since school, that's not likely to happen...

Peace and Love

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