Thursday 4 June 2009


Why is it I knew more about the American Presidential election than I did about my own local elections here in England? I didn't even know who half the candidates were when I hit the polling station this afternoon...

Anyway I voted for whoever the Conservative candidate was...

And what was this European election all about? Why do we need a European Government? We've already got the local councils, county councils, the House of Commons, the House of Lords and the Royal family... Aren't there enough people telling me what I can and can't do in this country without having a bunch of them bossing me around from Brussels?

It's ridiculous in my opinion. There's too many people thinking that they are in charge, and that's why the country is in such a mess. It's like nobody trusts anybody around here, so we have to have people governing us, and those governors need to be governed, and they in turn need to be governed too. And that's still not enough, because we stil have to have international and global governments to govern our national leaders. So who is at the top? How do they expect people like me to respect them and trust them when they don't respect or trust us? Wasn't this supposed to be a free world?

And what have all these numerous leaders taught us? They've taught us to fear and hate anybody who has a different accent, or a different colour skin, or a different culture because they believe in something different, and that therefore means they can't be trusted... They've taught us to fear and hate anybody who wears a hoody, or a hibab, or a baseball cap because we can't see their face, and that therefore means they can't be trusted... They've taught us to fear and hate everybody else, when it's really only them who can't be trusted.

There's irony in that, and not just because we're supposed to trust them with our lives, but because fear and hate are the only things that are left when the trust is gone...

Peace and Love

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