Wednesday 1 July 2009


So my mum's bought a new dog to replace the one she had put down. This one is a boy, and he has no hair...

Well, he has some on his head and feet and the end of his tail... He's a Chinese crested hairless called Allister. Strange name for a dog, sounds more like a politician...

He seems sweet enough, in a doggy kind of way. But he is so shy! He's not used to the noises of people and traffic because he lived in the country, in a shed with a dozen other dogs, and a single crazy woman. She doesn't have any kids or a partner, so he had never seen children before, and now that he lives with us, he has to spend all day in a room with a two year old boy. It's a little unnerving for him.

My mum has this "Oh my god, look at my new dog, I have to cuddle it" complex, which means all our dogs become so attached to her that they follow her around like tiny four legged shadows, even when she goes to the toilet. If they don't get in there before she shuts the door, they sit outside the door crying.

Peace and Love

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