Friday 3 July 2009

Change of Direction

I've made the decision that as the recession has caused massive job and budget cuts in the film and TV industry, that it is best for me to pursue a different career. The career I have chosen is... geography teacher!

Last Saturday I applied to two universities to do a geography degree, and one of them has already offered me a place! Hertfordshire (the old motherland, I used to live there!) took less than a week to offer me a place on their geography course. I should point out that I don't have an A-Level in geography, and therefore I'm not technically qualified for the course, but they've given me an unconditional offer, without interviewing me first! Get your heads around that one!

I am still waiting to hear from Greenwich, the other university I applied to. I expect to wait a few weeks.

Geography was my favourite subject in school, but I couldn't study it at college because they didn't offer it as an option, so I chose drama instead. But that doesn't matter now anyway, Herts will take me without it.

Peace and Love

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