Saturday 15 August 2009

A Dear Old Friend

I found an old friend yesterday, and not just any old friend...

I went to 6 different primary schools, and the 4th one, Aycliffe Drive in Hemel Hempstead, was my favourite. I started there just before christmas in Year 1, and left at the end of year 3 when the 'rents decided to relocate to Margate.

One of the girls in that school, who was in my class in Years 2 and 3, well what can I say about her? She was cute, no doubt about that, but she was so annoying! She used to follow me around and even blow kisses at me (the only girl to ever do that, by the way)... But she was great, and until yesterday I've been missing her for the best part of 12 years.

Facebook is a wonderful thing, and I found her on there! I'm so happy! Only problem though is I'll never get to meet her again, because she moved to Brisbane 9 years ago. That's a shame, I really hoped I could meet her, but hey, I found her and I can talk to her, and I can't have everything...

Peace and Love

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