Monday 10 August 2009


My mum is getting more and more selfish as the days unfold. Today she told a blatant lie down the phone to some friend of hers: "I'm so happy for him [me] that he [me] is going to Chatham". What she actually meant is that she is happy for herself that I am going to Chatham, because this means she can keep visiting me...

And not just me. This friend lives in Chatham too, and she and this friend have had very sordid phone conversations before, and as I heard her say to him, she'll be able to visit him more too. Therefore, she is more pleased for herself that I am going to Chatham than she is pleased for me.

While I'm on selfishness, my youngest sister has started taking over an hour in the bathroom! There are 6 of us living in this house, which has only one bathroom. So to go in there first thing in the morning when everyone else is getting up and getting ready for the day ahead, and then taking an hour is so selfish! She actually had the nerve to whinge at me this morning because just as she was about to go in there, I popped in there to take a leak. I took less than a minute, she took over an hour, but I was getting in her way, and next time I should wait so that she isn't late... She's only gone to the zoo, how can you be late for that?

Peace and Love

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