Thursday 10 September 2009

Amazing Night...

Last night was pretty special... and I spent all of it in front of my TV!

Firstly, England qualified for the World Cup with 2 games still to play, and then Derren Brown actually predicted the lottery numbers accurately! How is either of those possible?

I'm still in a state of shock over the second of those instances. It seems completely impossible to predict a random draw such as the lottery, but he actually did it! Can't wait till tomorrow, he's apparently going to show us how he did it... I will have pen and paper on standby to make notes!

Peace and Love

PS - I got a new album this morning, and it's awesome! It's Taylor Swift's self-titled album! I love it. I've had her other album Fearless for a couple of months now, that's awesome too. I recommend them to you all!

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