Wednesday 2 September 2009

Highs and Lows

So I viewed those two flats... and oh my god! Laura, who works for Your Move, who showed me around the second flat yesterday, is so beautiful! I don't want my own flat, I want to share with her...

She has an amazing voice too, I'd spoken to her a couple of times on the phone and I'd built up this image in my head of what I thought she looked like, and I was so wrong. She's more beautiful than I could ever have imagined... And that smile... wow!

Viewing flats in Chatham was worth all the time it took just to see her...

But, afterwards I found out that my application for a student loan has been cancelled, which means I won't be able to afford a flat to rent, and more importantly, I won't be able to afford to study at uni... I've emailed the student loans people to ask them to reconsider, but if they don't, then I'm stuck in Margate, stuck in this house with my fucking family...

By the way, recently my mum fell over and has something unknown wrong with her knee. She is currently on crutches until they can work out what is wrong with it. Also, three of my four grandparents have been diagnosed with cancer in the last two months... Joy...

Peace and Love

BTW, another low - Ana Ivanovic lost in 1st round of the US Open... Misery is everywhere I turn...

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