Tuesday 22 September 2009

Vincent Randall

Vin, my dear grandfather, died this evening...

He was awesome, I loved him very much. But he had been ill for some time now, and all summer long he had been in and out of hospital, so even though I am upset I am also very relieved that his suffering is now over.

I don't think I have any bad memories of him. We always had a lot of fun together. We watched football and cricket together, we played golf every week a few summers back, and almost ever Thursday we'd play Scrabble. He actually won our last game, but that was on Wednesday last week. If it had been a Thursday, I would have won!

A few months back I went to the garden centre with him. He wanted grow bags for his tomatoes, so I put some in the back of his car while he went into the shop to pay for them. Ten minutes later he came back, but he didn't pay. He said the lady in front of him in the queue was having trouble with her bank card, and he couldn't wait any longer because our dinner was on, so we left without paying! He went back later that afternoon to pay for them! That was such a funny day...

I had so much fun with you Vinnie. I'm going to miss you greatly.

Peace and Love

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