Friday 16 October 2009

This Misery Has To End

I'm generally getting sick of everyone's rudeness around here. I apply for jobs and get told that I can't have the job because I have no experience, but the reason I have no experience is because I get told that everytime I apply for a job. But will anyone break the vicious circle and give me some experience? No. Also, the whole uni thing from last year, and the whole uni and student loan thing from this year... It's like everyone in this whole country has come to a mutual agreement to treat me like shit, and there's just no need for it.

And it's not like I have friends to turn to. None of my so called friends have called me or text me or even left messages on my Facebook page since early August!

So, here's my plan - I'm moving to New York. As soon as I can, I'm going there. This is non negotiable... It's been one of my dreams for as long as I can remember, and it's about time one of my dreams came true.

Peace and LOve

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