Saturday 28 November 2009

And So It Goes On...

The Student Loans Dumbasses have actually given me a loan worth £7,903... two whole months after I cancelled my application for it!

These are the same people who have decided that my "Final" assessment for money from last year was so final and so important that they reassessed it two weeks ago, even though thousands of students are still waiting for their assessments for this year...

These are the same people who generated a phantom application for a loan under my name, and then went mad at me when I actually applied for one...

These people are a joke! Somebody should turn the student loans application system into a stand-up comedy show and take it on tour around the UK. It would be a sell out...

Peace and Love

Tuesday 24 November 2009

Taylor Swift and the Greatest Night of My Life!

Oh my god! She was absolutely amazing! Phenomenal! Out of this world! She looked so pretty and she put on such a good show. I will never forget it.

And the crowd were great! They made so much noise at one stage that Taylor was so overwhelmed that she had a tears in her eyes and said "What you guys just did for me, I will never forget it. Thank you."

The view from my seat was pretty special too... Did I say my seat? My bad, it was not my seat. My seat was F1, which is in the corner, under the big screen and practically behind the stage and therefore had no view at all. I decided I didn't want to seat in that seat. So I sat myself in F37, which was stage right, roughly in the middle, so had a great view! At one stage, Taylor was no more than 20 yards away from me! The same could be said about her guitarist Paul who actually waved at me! I know, that's lame, but hey!

But that was only two hours of what was the best night of my life! Other awesome things that happened include me getting a free drink in the bar, Taylor's support act (Justin Bieber) injuring himself dancing, and the whole hanging out outside for Taylor to come out after the show was great fun! The security guys kept saying "Stay behind the barriers" and I was the only one didn't listen to them. I even snuck into the Arena and crept backstage and got chucked out... twice!

It was such a good night, easily the best night of my life.

Peace and Love to you Taylor Swift, and thanks very much for coming to Wembley and putting on a great show

Sunday 22 November 2009


I'm wishing the hours away! I actually get to see Taylor Swift, the most beautiful girl in the whole world, in the flesh! It's like a dream come true...

I can't wait!

Peace and Love

Thursday 19 November 2009

I've Got A Golden Bond Place!

So I've finally heard back from VICTA... and they've given me a London Marathon place!

I'm well scared, but so excited also! I actually get to take part in one of the biggest sporting events of the year! How cool is that?

You can sponsor me online here:

There you can also find out why I chose VICTA...

Peace and Love

Monday 9 November 2009

Happy Birthday To...

... Me! It's my 21st birthday today! Thought you might like to know...

I didn't get much, only a cheque to pay from my parents to cover the costs of going to see Taylor Swift at Wembley Arena in 2 weeks time...

So, therefore, you could say Taylor Swift is my birthday present...

I can't imagine a better present than that!

Happy my birthday to all of you!

Peace and Love

Sunday 8 November 2009


I'm so stoked right now! I'm going to see Taylor Swift at Wembley Arena on November 23rd!

I love her so much, she's awesome! I've got a pretty good seat too, close to the stage, which is a surprise because I only booked it on Friday, like 2 weeks before the show! I've also booked a hotel room and train tickets. Now all I have to do is wait... That's the hard part! I want to fast forward this next two weeks, I just can't wait!

Peace and Love