Wednesday 13 January 2010


The house across the road from mine, number 31, caught fire last night! It was so exciting!

First of all, my dad starts shouting "Call the Fire Brigade", so I run out side to see what's going on, and there's a fire in the upstairs window. He runs over to see if there's anyone in there because the downstairs light was on, but the windows started popping out, so I pulled him back.

Then it got really hot and suddenly the whole upstairs was engulfed in flames. Then 2 fire trucks pull up outside and put it out really quickly, which was a bit of a shame, it was freezing afterwards...

I'm joking. Hats off to the fire service who got there very quickly and somehow stopped the fire spreading next door. They done an excellent job.

Fortunately there was no one inside. The lights were on a timer, as the owner doesn't live there and wanted to create the illusion that he did. He's been renovating it for a while, but now his task is substantially bigger...

Peace and Love

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