Thursday 7 January 2010

It Snowed! At Last!

It literally started to snow about an hour after yesterday's blog... What are the chances?

So, I took my 6 year old nephew out to the park and we had a snowball fight. I had an unfair advantage... but I'm not complaining. I got to enjoy pelting someone with snowballs and took very few hits myself!

We also attemped to make snow dinosaurs (I mean why make snowmen? There so unoriginal). His was pathetic, he has no idea at all about making things. He's bad enough at Lego, he cannot visualise anything. My Brontosnowrus on the other, well it was small, but I thought it looked great. I would show you it, but I can't connect my phone to my computer. My phone is like 2 years old and keeps saying that I need Windows XP to make the program work. Damn Windows Vista!

I suppose today was mildly fun, and much better than all the other days of this so far...

Peace and Love

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