Tuesday 31 March 2009


I hate selfish people. They're just so... selfish! I'm not even vaguely selfish (unless pursuing your dreams is considered to be a selfish act because it involves (or mine does anyway) moving away from the people who constantly ask you to do stuff for them).

Unfortunately for me, selfishness is the only thing that the members of my family have in common with each other, and they always seem to find things for me to do to make their lives easier or more fun. Is it easier or funner for me? Big fat no, because words like "You bought the dog, look after it yourself!" and "Do your own shopping!" never come out of my overly selfless mouth.

It drives me mad. I'm too nice. When people ask me to do stuff and I say no to them I start to feel really guilty, especially if I have nothing better to do. And I never seem to have anything better to do, because in spite of my incessant selflessness and need to please people, no matter how many times I ask people for work they always say no. Big fat no. Rejection hurts.

One day I might stop caring what people think of me and become selfish myself. I'm bound to reach the end of this tether some day. I'm always giving and giving and giving... Eventually there will be nothing left to give. I look forward to that day...

Peace and Love


  1. Selfish. God I love that word! If my heart would let me, I would be selfish 100% of the time. But like you...I care. At times I envy those that live life to satisfy their own needs and wants...what joy they must have! Then as I look closer...those people that care only about themselves, those people that step on everyone else to get to the top, those people that go in and out of relationships because no one is good enough for them...are usually alone. And that's something I can't handle. I'd rather deal with duties of being unselfish and have people around me versus living life in a self-satisfying bubble alone.

  2. I hadn't thought of things that way. That's helped me feel much better about myself. Thanks Kim

  3. Being selfisch is just an evolutionair capacity which was needed to survive. Today it is not really needed anymore, but we still have the capacity.
