Thursday 11 June 2009


I've just heard back from Canterbury Christchurch University. I've applied to do their Film, Radio and Television Studies degree, and I was quite hopeful of getting offered a place on that course. And they have offered me a place... on a completely different course - Digital Media. It has absolutely nothing to do with film, radio or television! Modules include Web Design, and Photoshop Editing...

Am I even vaguely interesting in spending £3k a year studying them? Absolutely not... It only took them 3 whole months to review my application and decide to completely ignore everything I said in my personal statement. What a waste of time.

And guess what other amazing news I have for you all? ... My lovely little chiuhuahua Egg was put down today. Why? Because my mum decided that her time had come... because she didn't eat all of her breakfast this morning!

I am so angry right now...

Peace and Love

R.I.P. Egg xx

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