Tuesday 6 October 2009


I can't believe I'm playing 81 games of chess!

I've been playing chess since I was a kid. My parents bought me a chess computer thing when I was 6 or 7. I still have it now. It has 72 levels but I've never got beyond level 54... A few years ago I tried my hand at online chess, but I wasn't very successful, so I gave up. But now that I am so bored and have so much free time, I've taken it up again.

I play under the name of Appleman_II on chessworld.net. If you fancy giving me a challenge, click the link below. You don't have to be good, you only have to like the game...

BTW, I'm not really from the Marshall Islands, I just like their flag better than the St Georges Cross!

Peace and Love

Play Online chess at chessworld.net

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