Thursday 28 January 2010


Firstly, all the nonsense with the Student Loan seems to have been cleared up. I actually got 2 letters from them this week, from the relevant departments, apologising for their mistakes and clearing up all the grey areas. So hopefully, all is good on that front.

Secondly, that interview... The interviewer said he'd call me in three to four days. It's been seven. That doesn't look so good. What's more disappointing however is that means my hot streak of 4 successful interviews in a row has come to an end. I'm now 4 from 7 overall.

Thirdly, training for the Marathon is getting better. I had a cracking session this morning, completing 2 miles (only 1.5 jogging) in under twenty minutes. I'm very pleased with that. I felt relaxed and comfortable while I was running, which made me feel even better.

So I have some positives and some negatives to build upon over the next few weeks.

Peace and Love

Wednesday 20 January 2010


I have an interview tomorrow! I can't believe it, it's only been a year since the last one...

So it's an early start tomorrow to catch the train because it is over the border in Sussex. I'm quite excited, this could be my chance to leave Thanet far behind me. So cross your fingers and pray to whatever fictional character you believe in that I get this!

Peace and Love

Wednesday 13 January 2010


The house across the road from mine, number 31, caught fire last night! It was so exciting!

First of all, my dad starts shouting "Call the Fire Brigade", so I run out side to see what's going on, and there's a fire in the upstairs window. He runs over to see if there's anyone in there because the downstairs light was on, but the windows started popping out, so I pulled him back.

Then it got really hot and suddenly the whole upstairs was engulfed in flames. Then 2 fire trucks pull up outside and put it out really quickly, which was a bit of a shame, it was freezing afterwards...

I'm joking. Hats off to the fire service who got there very quickly and somehow stopped the fire spreading next door. They done an excellent job.

Fortunately there was no one inside. The lights were on a timer, as the owner doesn't live there and wanted to create the illusion that he did. He's been renovating it for a while, but now his task is substantially bigger...

Peace and Love

Thursday 7 January 2010

It Snowed! At Last!

It literally started to snow about an hour after yesterday's blog... What are the chances?

So, I took my 6 year old nephew out to the park and we had a snowball fight. I had an unfair advantage... but I'm not complaining. I got to enjoy pelting someone with snowballs and took very few hits myself!

We also attemped to make snow dinosaurs (I mean why make snowmen? There so unoriginal). His was pathetic, he has no idea at all about making things. He's bad enough at Lego, he cannot visualise anything. My Brontosnowrus on the other, well it was small, but I thought it looked great. I would show you it, but I can't connect my phone to my computer. My phone is like 2 years old and keeps saying that I need Windows XP to make the program work. Damn Windows Vista!

I suppose today was mildly fun, and much better than all the other days of this so far...

Peace and Love

Wednesday 6 January 2010

First Blog of the Year

So, nothing - I mean nothing - has happened since this time last week. Reports of huge amounts of snow have led to no snow falling in Margate; Football matches have been called off because of frozen pitches; and I still have no job...

It's all getting a bit boring around here. I've got some ironing to look forward to this afternoon, but nothing else...

But, I did get my new highest rating on yesterday, and I also got some more sponsorship money for my marathon bid.

But to be honest, so far 2010 sucks...

Peace and Love