Wednesday 28 October 2009

I'm One Of The Best In The World...

I'm a proud man. Some of the things that I have done make me so proud that I have to tell everybody...

With a grand total of 17 uploads (that places me 35th in the Total Uploads ranking catergory) I'm ranked 24th on overall points scored on! That means I'm one of the best people in the world for uploading his/her essays and assignments onto the internet so that random people can copy them!

There, that felt good!

Peace and Love

Wednesday 21 October 2009


I don't qualify for a visa! With my luck I should have known that would happen...

To get a visa I would have to either be a qualified professional of some kind (which I'm not) or be the brother/son/husband/fiance of a US citizen (which I am not). So it looks like I'm stuck in miserable Margate for a while longer. Great.

Peace and Love

Tuesday 20 October 2009

What A Stroke Of Luck!

I registered on a while back, and at the weekend this dude called Joe got back to me. He's looking for a roommate in New York, very reasonable rent, very awesome apartment. I was quite excited, but realistic when I replied to him, stating that I can't just move there, I have no money and I'm unemployed... So he said that his girlfriend has just opened a new store and needs staff, and he could get me a job there!

How fucking awesome is that? It's like a dream come true...

I only now need to sort out a visa and flights, and then I'll be living my dream!

I can't believe it!

Peace and Love

Friday 16 October 2009

This Misery Has To End

I'm generally getting sick of everyone's rudeness around here. I apply for jobs and get told that I can't have the job because I have no experience, but the reason I have no experience is because I get told that everytime I apply for a job. But will anyone break the vicious circle and give me some experience? No. Also, the whole uni thing from last year, and the whole uni and student loan thing from this year... It's like everyone in this whole country has come to a mutual agreement to treat me like shit, and there's just no need for it.

And it's not like I have friends to turn to. None of my so called friends have called me or text me or even left messages on my Facebook page since early August!

So, here's my plan - I'm moving to New York. As soon as I can, I'm going there. This is non negotiable... It's been one of my dreams for as long as I can remember, and it's about time one of my dreams came true.

Peace and LOve

Monday 12 October 2009

Another Knife In My Back...

I have no interest in material wealth or value what so ever, but I am absolutely gutted to discover that my grandmother has decided to put my sister down as executor on my granddad's will...

In the last four years, every Thursday that I was not in college or uni I went round to their place to spend time with them, talk to them and even do their gardening and housework. Sister #2, in the last four years, has only been round to see them at Christmases and Easters. She has basically ignored their very existence, while I've been doing all kinds of things for them, but grandmother has decided that she would prefer Sister #2 o be recognised on the will, and not me.

As I said, I'm not jealous because she'll be getting more or less everything that was his and I'll be getting nothing. I'm upset that grandmother appreciates the nothingness that Sister #2 has given them more than she appreciates the hours I've spent sat with them, keeping them company and looking after them.

I'm glad I made the effort...

Peace and Love

Tuesday 6 October 2009


I can't believe I'm playing 81 games of chess!

I've been playing chess since I was a kid. My parents bought me a chess computer thing when I was 6 or 7. I still have it now. It has 72 levels but I've never got beyond level 54... A few years ago I tried my hand at online chess, but I wasn't very successful, so I gave up. But now that I am so bored and have so much free time, I've taken it up again.

I play under the name of Appleman_II on If you fancy giving me a challenge, click the link below. You don't have to be good, you only have to like the game...

BTW, I'm not really from the Marshall Islands, I just like their flag better than the St Georges Cross!

Peace and Love

Play Online chess at

Thursday 1 October 2009

Public Ballot

I got some marathon news today. Unfortunately, I didn't get a place in the Public Ballot...

But all is not lost! I still have the possibility of running for charity. As I said in an early post, I could be running for the RNIB... But as I haven't heard from them for a while, I decided to contact a few other charities today. One of them, VICTA (Visually Impaired Children Taking Action) got straight back to me, and sent me a form to fill in, which I have already filled in and sent back to them. So I could know as soon as tomorrow whether or not I'm running for them...

I hope I will be...

The nice people from the London Marathon actually sent me a consolation prize too - a rain jacket with the marathon's badge on it! It's kind of cool, but it's red. I don't wear red... But hey, free gift! Don't get many of those these days!

Peace and Love