Thursday 31 December 2009

Bring On 2010

What a year it has been... And don't get me started on the decade as a whole!

Ten years ago I was saying goodbye to my PC, fearing that Millenium Bug would destroy it. What ever happened to that Bug anyways? Did it affect anyone?

Ten years ago I was a couple of months away from getting full marks on the 11+ exams, and therefore I was a couple of months away from being the top kid in my year group in the whole town, and in the top 1% of 11 year olds in the whole country. Now look at me; unemployed uni drop out who can't get any work. I'm practically in the bottom 1% of 21 year olds in the whole country, and I've not even done anything wrong or bad to deserve it...

To be honest, this time last year I was fairly with myself and my life, but since dropping out of the disaster that was uni in February, nothing good has come my way. It's all gone downhill this year. There's only really be one highlight, and that being Taylor Swift's show at Wembley Arena, otherwise it's been a miserable year.

Fingers crossed that next year will be better.

Peace and Love

Thursday 24 December 2009


I have discovered something amazing - Lady Antebellum! No that is not Lady Gaga's sister...

They are a country music singing group, and they are so awesome that I've ordered both of their albums. Their second album isn't released until next month in the US, so I'm having to import it, but it's so worth it! They are unbelievable, I've heard all of the songs off their first album, and I love them!

I also have a Keith Urban album on the way, and I'm really enjoying to Kellie Pickler, Tim McGraw and Faith Hill online. And let's not forget Julianne Hough and my angel Taylor Swift!

So there it is, I've finally found a genre of music that I can call my own. It may seem to have come as a surprise, but I have been wearing jeans and checked shirts for many years now. I should have seen this coming!

I am also excited about running the Hastings Half Marathon in March, which seems like the ideal event to warm up for the London Marathon, which is in April.

Exciting times... Now all I need is a job...

Peace and Love

Monday 21 December 2009

Brittany Murphy

Tears were in my eyes when I heard about the death of Brittany Murphy. She was some woman - not just a great actress, but an amazing singer too, and so very beautiful. It's rare to find someone with any of these attributes, but she had them all.

I will miss you Brittany. Rest in peace.

Peace and Love

Saturday 19 December 2009


They were predicting 15-20cm of snow for my neck of the woods, but in reality it was no more than 3-4. But still, it was awesome.

I took a hike along the cliff tops in Cliftonville. The horizon northwards was jet black with a white mist in front of it, so I was hopeful that a blizzard was coming, but it hasn't, much to my disappointment.

But still, snowman hunting was fun. There was an excellent snowman on the grass out side what used to be the Endcliffe Hotel - it had eyes, nose, buttons and even a hat. But the rest of the snowmen along the front were pathetic, deformed, some of them headless, all of them featureless, and most of them mud-stained where the amateurish builders had rolled them up on the grass. But that's not the best way to do it. Scoop and mould, that's the way to go. Scoop and mould.

Anyways, if it snows again like this in the week, I will scoop and mould and photograph the results.

Peace and Love

Sunday 13 December 2009

Happy Birthday...

Taylor Swift!! 20 years old today!!

Can't believe she's only 20! She's sold over 10 millions albums, won hundreds of awards (ok, slight exaggeration there, but it's still a lot!) and she's only turning 20 today!

She is unbelievable. Well done Taylor, and a very happy birthday to you

Peace and Love

Thursday 10 December 2009

This afternoon I embarked on my first official training session for the 2010 London Marathon. I jogged a massive 1.2km, that's 0.75 miles...

I know, that's not very impressive, especially considering I was very out of breath at the end of it, but it was my first run, and I wasn't expecting to go much further than that.

I was actually very pleased with myself. My legs felt strong and were not tired afterwards, and as I mentioned yesterday, my Asics were so comfortable that I couldn't feel the ground beneath my feet. So that's encouraging.

But I am slightly annoyed at how quickly I was out of breath. Hopefully that will improve a lot as I do more training. Fingers crossed!

Peace and Love

Wednesday 9 December 2009

New Shoes

Yesterday I took my new running shoes for a test run... well, test walk. I didn't want to run in them immediately, I wanted to make sure they were comfortable before any running begins.

And they were so comfortable, almost like walking on air. I couldn't feel the road beneath my feet. They also felt very sturdy and supportive, so I certainly made the right choice. Which is a relief, I must say. They only cost me £50, and they are therefore the most expensive thing I have bought since October last year, when I bought my current jacket!

Peace and Love

Wednesday 2 December 2009


I've been wondering what the point of Twitter is. The only people I recognise on it are celebrities and famous people... and myself...

I mean I have like 241 friends on Facebook, and I can't find any of them on Twitter! If it's cool enough for actors and singers and sports stars, surely it's cool enough for the early twenty-something population of England...

But no, I'm alone on there. Feel free to add me and say hi! I'm stuyrandall on there.

Peace and Love

Tuesday 1 December 2009

A Special Moment

I was walking down the road, on my way back home from a trip to Tesco Extra, Westwood, when I noticed this girl at a bus stop. I thought she was looking behind me to see if her bus was coming, but as I got nearer it became clear that she was totally checking me out! I also noticed that she was fairly cute...

Now this is not normal behaviour in cute twenty-something females, so I was slightly shocked. But I felt it proper to say something to her, as she was taking some interest in me. So as I passed by I said "Alright love?"... She blushed!

I'm not a particularly attractive bloke, to be honest, so for a girl to check me out and then blush at me, well it's kind of a big thing to me.

In fact, I've only made one girl blush before, back in college. The Girl who tore my heart apart blushed when I said she looked beautiful, and then she asked me to walk her to her car... A few months later she destroyed me...

I hope I never see her again, but I do hope I see bus stop girl again. It's nice to be liked.

Peace and Love