Tuesday 28 July 2009

Flat Hunting

I have accepted the unconditional offer from the University of Greenwich (in Chatham), so I am officially flat hunting in Chatham, Gillingham and the inbetween areas...

St Mary's Island looks lovely, but at £600 per week, I don't think I can afford the cheapest 1 bed flats there...

I have already arranged to view one flat next Wednesday... at 5pm! I said "Afternoon" when they asked me what time I wanted to view it, so they gave me an evening spot. Class.

Wish me luck!

Peac and Love

Saturday 18 July 2009

Henry Allingham

The world's oldest man has died, and he was a great, great man.

He was a pilot during the First World War, and a founding member of the RAF, the last one of those to ever live. He fought in the Battle of Jutland, and was the last survivor of that battle.

Now that he is gone, there are only 4 World War 1 veterans remaining, 3 of them are aged 108, and the other is 111. Henry Allingham was 113.

Henry Allingham was a hero. May he rest in peace.

Peace and Love

Wednesday 15 July 2009


So, today I got a letter from Greenwich University which reads "I am delighted to say that on the basis of your qualifications obtained to date, you will be receiving an unconditional offer on our BSc Geography degree programme". I laughed heartily... I have no qualifications in geography! Awesome!

So now I have a choice. Do I scarper off to Hertfordshire University in Hatfield where I will be the other side of London, and therefore have at least 7.5m people between me and family; or I do I go to Greenwich University's Medway Campus in Chatham where I can get very cheap accommodation, and will get frequent visits from the family because it's closer to "home"?

It is a tough choice. I have to think long and hard about this...

Peace and Love

Monday 13 July 2009


My dad smashed my favourite mug and bowl today. He hasn't apologised. He says he doesn't need to because it was my fault that he didn't pay attention to what he was doing, and subsequently destroyed one of my most invaluable items.

Don't ask me how he can blame me for his idiocracy, but he does. He's a mug...

And that mug meant a lot to me. It was more than just a mug. It was given to all of us when we left primary school, as a memento of our time there. All of my friends got one, and it was like the last thing I had to remind me of the great times I had with them. It was priceless and irreplaceable. Now it's in pieces because of that prick. Thanks.

Peace and Love

Saturday 11 July 2009

I Hate Babysitting!

Grr. I hate family...

I basically spent all of yesterday babysitting. I wasn't asked if I would do it, I was told that I had to because the 'rents had to take one of the dogs to the vets. I was given 10 minutes notice, and I couldn't exactly run out at that time as I was making breakfast.

They of course took all flipping morning in the vets. She's not even ill, it was to give her a microchip. How bloody ridiculous! I mean, the only times she leaves the house is when she's being taken for a walk, and on those occasions there's someone holding the other end of the lead, so it's not like she can get lost. Me on the other, I go out alone, sometimes late at night when it's dark, and I don't have a microchip. Surely I'm more likely to get lost then she is! But no, it was she who had to go to the vets and get a microchip, which meant I had to waste my morning babysitting. And yes, I did have plans... to get my hair cut...

So I had to wait until the afternoon to get my hair cut, and when I got back, the 'rents buggered off out again, which meant I was babysitting again, for more or less the whole afternoon. What a shit day.

So then after yesterday, today came along, and guess what I had to do all afternoon again? Oh yeah, babysitting. This time it was because dad was "busy" and mum absolutely had to go out and buy a birthday card for my nephew who will turn 2 on Monday. That's right, 2. He can't read, and he has no idea what a birthday card actually is, but buying him one was an absolute must. And yes, that took all afternoon.

The only highlight of the afternoon was watching Ana Ivanovic's golf-playing boyfriend make a complete hash of a couple of holes at the Scottish open. Haha, sucker...

Peace and Love

P.S. - Happy birthday Caroline Wozniacki!

Thursday 9 July 2009


Sorry to say, but that video I posted to on my previous blog is no longer available due to copyright issues.

I should point out that I did not post that video on YouTube, and I am not guilty of breaking any copyright laws.

Peace and Love

Sunday 5 July 2009

A Few Things...

I'm sad now. Wimbledon's over! Oh man, what am I supposed to do now all day that there's no tennis to watch?

Anyways, it ended in some style, 16-14 in the final set! Cracking... but the first four sets weren't all that exciting to be honest, Federer only really done enough to stay in the match, and never seemed to attack Roddick. I'm gutted that Roddick didn't win, I feel he deserved it more on the day, but hats off to Federer for becoming the greatest player of all time.

Today I discovered that one of my dogs is scared of cats! What kind of a dog is that? No wonder she never goes out, she must be ashamed to show her face where all the cool dogs hang out. I'm appalled...

Check out this video, this maybe the funniest thing in the world! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9hu0Jr8wyHk

Peace and Love

Friday 3 July 2009

Change of Direction

I've made the decision that as the recession has caused massive job and budget cuts in the film and TV industry, that it is best for me to pursue a different career. The career I have chosen is... geography teacher!

Last Saturday I applied to two universities to do a geography degree, and one of them has already offered me a place! Hertfordshire (the old motherland, I used to live there!) took less than a week to offer me a place on their geography course. I should point out that I don't have an A-Level in geography, and therefore I'm not technically qualified for the course, but they've given me an unconditional offer, without interviewing me first! Get your heads around that one!

I am still waiting to hear from Greenwich, the other university I applied to. I expect to wait a few weeks.

Geography was my favourite subject in school, but I couldn't study it at college because they didn't offer it as an option, so I chose drama instead. But that doesn't matter now anyway, Herts will take me without it.

Peace and Love

Wednesday 1 July 2009


So my mum's bought a new dog to replace the one she had put down. This one is a boy, and he has no hair...

Well, he has some on his head and feet and the end of his tail... He's a Chinese crested hairless called Allister. Strange name for a dog, sounds more like a politician...

He seems sweet enough, in a doggy kind of way. But he is so shy! He's not used to the noises of people and traffic because he lived in the country, in a shed with a dozen other dogs, and a single crazy woman. She doesn't have any kids or a partner, so he had never seen children before, and now that he lives with us, he has to spend all day in a room with a two year old boy. It's a little unnerving for him.

My mum has this "Oh my god, look at my new dog, I have to cuddle it" complex, which means all our dogs become so attached to her that they follow her around like tiny four legged shadows, even when she goes to the toilet. If they don't get in there before she shuts the door, they sit outside the door crying.

Peace and Love