Wednesday 30 September 2009

The Last Of September

This has been the best day of a shit month...

It's the month that has bought me news such as my grandfather dying, me not getting into uni and subsequently not being able to leave home... But finally some good news - Liam Harwood has rejoined my beloved Margate Football Club!

That's awesome. He was with us for a bit last season and was a class above anyone else, and his arrival saw a big improvement in our form and performances, but when it was too late to turn our season around. This time though, the season is still young, so hopefully we will be able to steer clear of that dreaded relegation zone...

Also, I've discovered Julianne Hough, a beautiful blonde country singer. The best thing about her is her website - it plays her whole album all by itself, for free! Therefore I don't have to fork out a few quid and actually buy it! Class!

So add her to Taylor Swift, and I'm quickly becoming a serious country music fan. I never thought that would happen!

Peace and Love

Tuesday 22 September 2009

Vincent Randall

Vin, my dear grandfather, died this evening...

He was awesome, I loved him very much. But he had been ill for some time now, and all summer long he had been in and out of hospital, so even though I am upset I am also very relieved that his suffering is now over.

I don't think I have any bad memories of him. We always had a lot of fun together. We watched football and cricket together, we played golf every week a few summers back, and almost ever Thursday we'd play Scrabble. He actually won our last game, but that was on Wednesday last week. If it had been a Thursday, I would have won!

A few months back I went to the garden centre with him. He wanted grow bags for his tomatoes, so I put some in the back of his car while he went into the shop to pay for them. Ten minutes later he came back, but he didn't pay. He said the lady in front of him in the queue was having trouble with her bank card, and he couldn't wait any longer because our dinner was on, so we left without paying! He went back later that afternoon to pay for them! That was such a funny day...

I had so much fun with you Vinnie. I'm going to miss you greatly.

Peace and Love

Friday 18 September 2009

Thanks For Nothing

In case you're wondering, I can't pay for uni now anyway. There has been another huge administrative failure, this time by the University of Greenwich. They sent me a letter thanking me for accepting their offer in August, but now they claim they've never processed my application...

So student loan or no student loan, I can't start uni now anyway! Fantastic!

That leaves me with absolutely nothing to do now...

What's the chances I get a call next week telling me I've got a loan? That would be just my luck, wouldn't it?

Peace and Love

Wednesday 16 September 2009

What Shall I Do?

I still don't know what's happening with my life. I'm supposed to be registering for uni this week so I can attend induction week next week, but I haven't been sent the log on details I need to do that online, and I also have heard no more about my loan, which I need to pay during registration.

My mum has told me that she'll nick some money from her senile mother to pay my tuition fees, but I'll have to stay living in this dump, with the entire family because I won't have enough money to rent my own place... So that is not an ideal option at all...

But at the moment it seems to be the only option; Student Finance England are waste of time, Kent County Council are a joke, and Yes Loans said No to me...

Maybe I should just run away. I hear New York City is a cool place...

Peace and Love

Monday 14 September 2009


So that was clearly some kind of hoax the other night... No, not the football, that was real, but the lottery thing...

Derren Brown claims that he cracked the lottery by having 24 people in a room together writing down random numbers, and then he averaged them to come up with the numbers for the balls... That quite honestly is bullshit. Not possible.

Oh well...

At least I've got a free copy of The Shawshank Redemption on DVD, thanks to the Sunday Times...

Peace and Love

PS - Still no good news on the student loan front. Doesn't look like I'll be going to uni this year...

Thursday 10 September 2009

Amazing Night...

Last night was pretty special... and I spent all of it in front of my TV!

Firstly, England qualified for the World Cup with 2 games still to play, and then Derren Brown actually predicted the lottery numbers accurately! How is either of those possible?

I'm still in a state of shock over the second of those instances. It seems completely impossible to predict a random draw such as the lottery, but he actually did it! Can't wait till tomorrow, he's apparently going to show us how he did it... I will have pen and paper on standby to make notes!

Peace and Love

PS - I got a new album this morning, and it's awesome! It's Taylor Swift's self-titled album! I love it. I've had her other album Fearless for a couple of months now, that's awesome too. I recommend them to you all!

Friday 4 September 2009

Student Loan

So, here's the deal...

They (Student Finance England) claim I applied twice for a student loan for this year. I didn't, I only applied once. But SFE are adamant that I did, so they sent me a cancellation form so that I could cancel one of my two applications. I filled this in and sent off to them. I got no response.

So on Tuesday, I checked my account on their website, and it shows only one application and it's status is "Cancelled". So I called them up to find out why it had been cancelled. The Scottish girl on the phone says it because I filled in a cancellation form, so I explained that I filled that form in for my other phantom application, as that was what I was told to do.

After a lengthy discussion about whether or not two applications had been made, she decided that the only solution is for me to fill in another application form... That would be my second, or my "third".

Let's hope it gets paid in time for me to pay the first part of my tuition fees, in two and a half weeks time... It doesn't seem all that likely though.

Peace and Love

Wednesday 2 September 2009

Highs and Lows

So I viewed those two flats... and oh my god! Laura, who works for Your Move, who showed me around the second flat yesterday, is so beautiful! I don't want my own flat, I want to share with her...

She has an amazing voice too, I'd spoken to her a couple of times on the phone and I'd built up this image in my head of what I thought she looked like, and I was so wrong. She's more beautiful than I could ever have imagined... And that smile... wow!

Viewing flats in Chatham was worth all the time it took just to see her...

But, afterwards I found out that my application for a student loan has been cancelled, which means I won't be able to afford a flat to rent, and more importantly, I won't be able to afford to study at uni... I've emailed the student loans people to ask them to reconsider, but if they don't, then I'm stuck in Margate, stuck in this house with my fucking family...

By the way, recently my mum fell over and has something unknown wrong with her knee. She is currently on crutches until they can work out what is wrong with it. Also, three of my four grandparents have been diagnosed with cancer in the last two months... Joy...

Peace and Love

BTW, another low - Ana Ivanovic lost in 1st round of the US Open... Misery is everywhere I turn...