Thursday 25 June 2009


I am disconsolate. Ana Ivanovic has a boyfriend...

I thought that was the worst news ever, but then I heard that he is a golfer. I mean jeez, what kind of a profession is that? And he has curly hair. I hate him.

Peace and Love

P.S. - has anyone noticed the girls who have been playing on Wimbledon's Centre Court? They all have one thing in common - they are ridiculously attractive: yesterday it was Maria Sharapova and Gisela Dulko, today it was Maria Kirilenko and Caroline Wozniacki. What's the deal with that?

Tuesday 23 June 2009

Thanks BBC!

Imagine my surprise when I turned on my TV today to watch Wimbledon and discovered that one of the courts that the BBC were showing live coverage of was Court 4! It's as if someone from the Beeb read my blog yesterday and decided that I was worth listening to, and subsequently I got to watch all of Ana Ivanovic's match, just like I wanted!

And what a match it was... I was on the edge of my seat the whole way through. It wasn't a classic by any stretch of the imagination, but it was so nervy and tense that it really could have gone either way. Fortunately, Ana won. I was so relieved...

In case you're wondering, I do love Ana Ivanovic, and my world basically stops when she's playing. I even missed dinner today because I could not pull myself away from the TV when she was on.

At times it is quite heartbreaking watching her play. She's lost so many matches lately because she's been lacking in confidence. She's such a talented player, easily one of the best. I hope she finds her confidence again soon.

Peace and Love

Monday 22 June 2009


I'm a massive tennis fan, so this really is my favourite time of the year. In the 43 days from the start of the French Open to the end of Wimbledon, I will have watched 37 days worth of tennis! Awesome!

I am slightly disappointed though. As much as I love Wimbledon, and the organisers of the event, they have made one massive cock up in tomorrow's schedule - they've put Ana Ivanovic's match on Court 4. There's no live video stream from there. How am I supposed to watch her match? At the same time on Court 2, Bobby Reynolds v Gilles Simon will be live on TV. Who wants to watch that? Simon is the most overrated player on the tour.

Anyway, there should be plenty of good matches for me to get stuck into. Most of the 11 British entrants will be on court tomorrow, along with some of the more exciting players, such as Roddick, Hewitt and Del Potro. Should be a good day.

I should give a special mention to Laura Robson, she's only 15 but played brilliantly today. Unfortunately she lost, but she made a great account of herself. She's gonna be a top ten player in a few years time, when she's a bit bigger, a bit stronger, and a lot more experienced. Guarranteed.

Peace and Love

Friday 19 June 2009


It's been exactly one whole year since college ended, and since I sent that message...

I only intended for it to say "Good bye, good luck, I'm going to miss you, take care x", but she thought I was trying to tell her how madly in love I was with her (I was in fact madly in love with her, but I deliberately tried to avoid saying that in the message). Anyways, to cut a long story short, that message is the reason she isn't talking to me anymore...

Anyways, today, exactly a year on, I sent a message to another girl which, to sum up, said "Good bye, good luck, I'm going to miss you, take care x"... I was scared, afraid that maybe she would block me on various social networking sites, just like the girl last year. To my relief, she replied within three minutes! To sum up, she said "Awww thanks ... x".

Oddly enough, this year's girl is my favourite radio presenter, Philippa Collins, and it was her last show on my local station, and she was so much sweeter and politer to me than last year's girl, who had been one of my best friends up until that message...

If only I had been in college with Philippa instead of her...

Peace and Love

Thursday 18 June 2009


Allergies suck, don't they? I have discovered that I have one. I bet you can't guess what it is...


I'll give you a clue, it's brown...


Nope, still not got it? Well, let me put you out of your misery... Gravy. I am allergic to gravy. I knew you wouldn't have guessed it...

Anyways, it sucks being allergic to gravy. If I have even a little bit of the stuff, my stomach starts acting very odd, and I become very sweaty and uncomfortable, so that means my dinners have to be dry, and have you ever tried eating roast chicken when it's as dry as a desert in the middle of summer?

This maybe the weirdest allergy in the world. If you know of any weird allergies, feel free to tell me via the comments section. I can't have the only weird allergy in the world...

Thursday 11 June 2009


I've just heard back from Canterbury Christchurch University. I've applied to do their Film, Radio and Television Studies degree, and I was quite hopeful of getting offered a place on that course. And they have offered me a place... on a completely different course - Digital Media. It has absolutely nothing to do with film, radio or television! Modules include Web Design, and Photoshop Editing...

Am I even vaguely interesting in spending £3k a year studying them? Absolutely not... It only took them 3 whole months to review my application and decide to completely ignore everything I said in my personal statement. What a waste of time.

And guess what other amazing news I have for you all? ... My lovely little chiuhuahua Egg was put down today. Why? Because my mum decided that her time had come... because she didn't eat all of her breakfast this morning!

I am so angry right now...

Peace and Love

R.I.P. Egg xx

Thursday 4 June 2009


Why is it I knew more about the American Presidential election than I did about my own local elections here in England? I didn't even know who half the candidates were when I hit the polling station this afternoon...

Anyway I voted for whoever the Conservative candidate was...

And what was this European election all about? Why do we need a European Government? We've already got the local councils, county councils, the House of Commons, the House of Lords and the Royal family... Aren't there enough people telling me what I can and can't do in this country without having a bunch of them bossing me around from Brussels?

It's ridiculous in my opinion. There's too many people thinking that they are in charge, and that's why the country is in such a mess. It's like nobody trusts anybody around here, so we have to have people governing us, and those governors need to be governed, and they in turn need to be governed too. And that's still not enough, because we stil have to have international and global governments to govern our national leaders. So who is at the top? How do they expect people like me to respect them and trust them when they don't respect or trust us? Wasn't this supposed to be a free world?

And what have all these numerous leaders taught us? They've taught us to fear and hate anybody who has a different accent, or a different colour skin, or a different culture because they believe in something different, and that therefore means they can't be trusted... They've taught us to fear and hate anybody who wears a hoody, or a hibab, or a baseball cap because we can't see their face, and that therefore means they can't be trusted... They've taught us to fear and hate everybody else, when it's really only them who can't be trusted.

There's irony in that, and not just because we're supposed to trust them with our lives, but because fear and hate are the only things that are left when the trust is gone...

Peace and Love